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How to Maximize Hits on a Blog

How to Maximize Hits on a Blog

Getting more hits to a blog takes more than just writing posts. With search engines growing more discerning, bloggers need to apply a variety of strategies including link campaigning, thorough keyword selection and social interaction with other bloggers. Whether you target a broad market or a small niche, the techniques that contribute to success are the same.

  • Keyword Selection
Your choice of target keywords for your blog is critical to its success in terms of traffic. Keywords are the words and phrases that people use to search for a topic. For example, someone looking for information on increasing blog traffic might use keywords liike "how to get more hits for your blog" or "blog promotion tips." Some keywords may be searched a lot, yet are highly competitive. Others may be queried less often, but the competition among websites for those keywords may be lower. In general, the longer your keyword strings, the easier they are to get traffic from. These are known as "long tail keywords." Experiment with various keywords. Only experience can tell you what works for you and what doesn't.
  • Optimization
Most of your traffic will probably come via search engines. It's important that you optimize your blog for them. To do this, pick your keywords and place them in key areas, such as your blog post titles, blog title and tagline, tags, categories, meta data, such as the meta description tag, headings and anchor text for internal links. If you use WordPress, install an SEO plug-in, such as All-in-One SEO, to make optimization easier.
  • Promotion
Do not depend on search engines alone to bring hits to your blog. You should also promote your blog through link-building and interacting with other bloggers. Comment on other blogs that are on the same topic as yours. Make friends and offer to write guest posts for blogs that accept them. You can also post in message boards, make a Facebook page or create a newsletter and get subscribers. Such off-site promotion can be more challenging than building your blog itself, but if successful, you will establish a good reputation for yourself and your blog and earn a following.
  • Production
Blogging is ongoing work. Publish consistently while aiming for quality. You do not have to post every day, but keep your blog active and make sure all information is up to date. Use a mix of text, links and multimedia in your entries.


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Posted by Unknown, Published at 9:13 PM and have